Wednesday 25 February 2015

Blunt and to the Point

What is that HIDEOUS smell? That's what you said to me when I was cooking dinner the other night. Oh Auron I love your honesty. I'm not sure where you learnt the word hideous from but you have been coming out with some other funny words lately too.

Last night after Daddy had washed your face you said "Hey Mummy, look at this beautiful face!" you really make me laugh and keep life fun.

Sunday 22 February 2015

Swimming in the Rain

Today you and I were standing out on the back porch watching an awesome storm. It was raining like crazy. You ran out into the rain and asked me to come jump in the puddles with you. So I did. Then we both jumped into the swimming pool with our clothes on and had a swim. It was the most fun I have had in a long time. I am so happy I got to have that special time with you. I love you so much Auron!
After we went inside to have a hot shower and warm up with a cup of hot chocolate.

Tuesday 10 February 2015

I want to be like my Daddy

Daddy is trying to lose some weight (I think he looks handsome just the way he is!) and has been working out when he gets home from work. Today you wanted to do exercising just like Daddy. It was adorable! Especially since you were just wearing your undies and Transformer shoes. I tried to get a photo of you doing press ups with your cute little butt sticking up but I was too slow.
I love how much you want to be like your Daddy. He is a wonderful example to follow, I hope you grow up to be just like him.

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Homemade Iron Man

Today I said there would be no TV watching and no iPad. You cried a few crocodile tears while you sat on the couch and decided what to do. In the end you went and grabbed the school work box and asked if I would help you do some workbook pages. Once we had finished those you thought it would be a good idea to make an Iron Man. I loved how you drew Tony Stark first, then drew the Iron Man suit over top of him. 
Also today you got the TINIEST scrape on your leg from the couch, you would have thought you have cut your entire leg off from the performance you put on!