Auron you are FOUR! and on your fourth birthday you can finally count to four (it's been a long long process). I can not believe how old you are now, almost as old as Daddy. You my Auron are incredibly special to me. You made all my dreams come true. For the longest time I never thought I would have children though it is all that I desperately wanted. I felt that I would have to settle for being the cool Aunty or something like that.
Daddy and I prayed and fasted for you, almost from the day that we married. We went to the temple several times a week and begged and prayed for you. I remember sitting in an endowment session, when the overwhelming feeling came over me that I was indeed pregnant and would be a mother. I remember walking down to the supermarket in Beenleigh, we were living in Brisbane at the time and buying a pregnancy test. I went back in forth in my head about whether I should buy it or not. We had no money at the time and things were tough to say the least. Spending $6 on a test was a big deal especially if it was negative. After 30mins of walking up and down the isles trying to decide what to do I finally bought it and walked home. When I finally did the test I was shocked that it was positive. I mean it's what I wanted buy I couldn't believe that my body actually worked! It did what it was supposed to do, despite being told that it wouldn't.
Only very few people knew how hard it was for us when we left NZ to move to Australia. Daddy and I barely knew each other to be honest! Those first few months were unbelievably hard. I can only remember seeing Daddy cry once and that was when he sent me back home, when I was pregnant with you. We had no money and he was struggling to find a stable job. When I was about 4 months pregnant we moved to Melbourne and Daddy started working with Uncle Chris. Things were finally looking up.
You were born on the 30th of March 2011 after 36 hours of horrible labour. It was both the worst and best day of my life all rolled in to one. Nana and Daddy were there to meet you. You were more gorgeous than I could ever had imagined. You had a full head of hair, and beautiful blue eyes and big juicy lips.
Oh how I love being your Mummy. Nothing has brought me more joy that being your mother. I am so proud of the wonderful person you are growing in to. You are compassionate and kind. Your sweet spirit just sucks in everyone around you. You are affectionate and incredibly funny. Often you are my best friend. I love when we go shopping and we talk and talk and talk. Even when you couldn't talk I just enjoyed your company and would talk to you anyway (even if you were asleep).
I love you very very much Auron
Happy 4th Birthday
Monday, 6 April 2015
Hey What's That?!!
This past week you discovered something a bit magical....your SHADOW. We were walking down to the "little shops" on a lovely sunny day and all of the sudden you were like "hey mummy! What's that thing following me?!" It has since been the source of endless amusement and fascination. I find it especially cute when you try to run away from it.
Wednesday, 18 March 2015
You Make My Mummy Heart Swell
This afternoon while Lili and Ammon were sleeping, you and I spent some time in the kitchen together. I cooked lasagne for dinner and you played with Spidey in the sink of water. You love playing in the sink!
We were quietly going about our activities when I heard you singing. I listened a bit more carefully so I could hear what you were singing. "I love to see the Temple, I'm going there some day....". You have no idea how it makes me feel to listen to you singing these songs. It warms my hearts and melts my soul. I can see your little testimony growing each day and I know that by learning these songs and having them in your mind it will be a strength and a guide to you through out your life as it has been for me.
We were quietly going about our activities when I heard you singing. I listened a bit more carefully so I could hear what you were singing. "I love to see the Temple, I'm going there some day....". You have no idea how it makes me feel to listen to you singing these songs. It warms my hearts and melts my soul. I can see your little testimony growing each day and I know that by learning these songs and having them in your mind it will be a strength and a guide to you through out your life as it has been for me.
A Big Butt
Continuing on from your 'I'm getting big' phase... Today you brought me a pair of your Spiderman undies and said "Mummy these undies have holes in them, it's cos by butt is growing to big"
Friday, 13 March 2015
I'm all grown now
Apparently you are all grown up now. This morning I went to put on ABC 4 Kids on Tv for you but you stopped me saying "No Mummy, put big kids channel on. I'm all grown now" I guess you are moving on from Mike the Knight and Wiggles.
Wednesday, 25 February 2015
Blunt and to the Point
What is that HIDEOUS smell? That's what you said to me when I was cooking dinner the other night. Oh Auron I love your honesty. I'm not sure where you learnt the word hideous from but you have been coming out with some other funny words lately too.
Last night after Daddy had washed your face you said "Hey Mummy, look at this beautiful face!" you really make me laugh and keep life fun.
Last night after Daddy had washed your face you said "Hey Mummy, look at this beautiful face!" you really make me laugh and keep life fun.
Sunday, 22 February 2015
Swimming in the Rain
Today you and I were standing out on the back porch watching an awesome storm. It was raining like crazy. You ran out into the rain and asked me to come jump in the puddles with you. So I did. Then we both jumped into the swimming pool with our clothes on and had a swim. It was the most fun I have had in a long time. I am so happy I got to have that special time with you. I love you so much Auron!
After we went inside to have a hot shower and warm up with a cup of hot chocolate.
After we went inside to have a hot shower and warm up with a cup of hot chocolate.
Tuesday, 10 February 2015
I want to be like my Daddy
Daddy is trying to lose some weight (I think he looks handsome just the way he is!) and has been working out when he gets home from work. Today you wanted to do exercising just like Daddy. It was adorable! Especially since you were just wearing your undies and Transformer shoes. I tried to get a photo of you doing press ups with your cute little butt sticking up but I was too slow.
I love how much you want to be like your Daddy. He is a wonderful example to follow, I hope you grow up to be just like him.
I love how much you want to be like your Daddy. He is a wonderful example to follow, I hope you grow up to be just like him.
Tuesday, 3 February 2015
Homemade Iron Man
Today I said there would be no TV watching and no iPad. You cried a few crocodile tears while you sat on the couch and decided what to do. In the end you went and grabbed the school work box and asked if I would help you do some workbook pages. Once we had finished those you thought it would be a good idea to make an Iron Man. I loved how you drew Tony Stark first, then drew the Iron Man suit over top of him.
Also today you got the TINIEST scrape on your leg from the couch, you would have thought you have cut your entire leg off from the performance you put on!
Saturday, 24 January 2015
Worn Out
On Friday I took yo to the Zoo. The excitement in the house in the morning was through the roof! You had been asking to go the Zoo for about 4 months and I finally felt up to the momentous task. You packed your bag and got ready faster than I had ever seen, yo were even chasing Liliana around trying to help her put her shoes on. She wasn't very co operative at all but I appreciated the help.
I think part of your excitment was about catching the train. I am amazed at how well behaved you and Lili were. Although towards the end of the ride there you were teasing Lili by put your hand really really close to her seat just to annoy her.
The zoo was lots of fun but also lots of walking. By the end of the day you were EXHAUSTED to the point you were struggling to walk back to the train. As soon as you found your seat and sat down you were fast asleep with in 30 seconds. I felt so bad having to wake you up once we arrived at our station.
I think part of your excitment was about catching the train. I am amazed at how well behaved you and Lili were. Although towards the end of the ride there you were teasing Lili by put your hand really really close to her seat just to annoy her.
The zoo was lots of fun but also lots of walking. By the end of the day you were EXHAUSTED to the point you were struggling to walk back to the train. As soon as you found your seat and sat down you were fast asleep with in 30 seconds. I felt so bad having to wake you up once we arrived at our station.
Sunday, 18 January 2015
Building Blocks and Subway
Building with blocks has become one of your favourite things to do. Usually you are building robots or towers. This creation was a Tower for your Iron Man to save. I love love love your imagination! You can play by yourself for hours at a time, dreaming up all sorts of wonderful stories and games for your toys to act out.
This week we went out to do our "normal" shopping routine for the first time since Ammon was born. You and Lili were so excited. We caught the bus to the shopping centre then off to subway for lunch, just like always. I love our little routines we have and I love spending every day with you, most of all I love being your mum. It's the best job in the world.
Tuesday, 13 January 2015
My Extra Set of Hands
It is so fantastic having you around during the day to help me with Ammon. If I need anything you are always quick to jump up and help. Sometimes it takes a little while for you to find something, you have a terrible sense of direction and often can't see something even if it's staring you in the face. That always make us all laugh.
This afternoon I really needed to do some cleaning up and you wanted to hold Ammon. I was a bit hesitant because he was a bit grizzly and needed to go to bed. You kept insisting so I gave in and let hold him thinking it would only last about 30sec. I went to talk to Daddy and when I came back Ammon was fast asleep in your arms.
This afternoon I really needed to do some cleaning up and you wanted to hold Ammon. I was a bit hesitant because he was a bit grizzly and needed to go to bed. You kept insisting so I gave in and let hold him thinking it would only last about 30sec. I went to talk to Daddy and when I came back Ammon was fast asleep in your arms.
Saturday, 10 January 2015
Such a Stud
I stayed home from church today because Lili and Ammon were sick. Lili has lost her voice it sounds hilarious! She was asleep when you and Daddy left and missed you lots while you were gone. She did enjoy playing with all your toys though, don't worry I didn't let her play with your play doh. We all know how irresponsible she is with play doh....
Anyway, I got sent this picture while you were at church. You are so handsome! When I dressed you, you told me "look Mummy, I'm all grown up like Daddy now"
Anyway, I got sent this picture while you were at church. You are so handsome! When I dressed you, you told me "look Mummy, I'm all grown up like Daddy now"
Monday, 5 January 2015
The Best Part of Summer
I remember when I was younger I would spend all day from morning til evening outside playing during the summer. I was saying to Daddy just last night that I used to be so much browner when I was a kid because I spent so much time outside.

Summer has just started to really kick in this past week. We had our first 40 degree day on Saturday and headed out to Highpoint to escape to heat. We ate ice cream for dinner that night. Today you and Daddy went for a trip to Kmart to buy a pool. Kmart is your favourite store right now by the way. When you go home we set it up straight away. You had great fun squirting Lili with the hose. She wasn't too in to all the water fun, but that was probably because she's sick at the moment. The pool is a the perfect size for you and Lili. Ammon wasn't to keen on taking a dip so he hung out in the pram under the apple tree. You definitely got browner today. I wish you a childhood full of long summer days, full of swimming, imagination and no worries, just like I did.
Sunday, 4 January 2015
You Made it to Primary!!!!!
Yesterday was your first official day in Primary! You were so excited. Once church was finished you came rushing into show me what you had made in class and tell me all about the big kids and going to Pina's class. I'm not sure what your lesson was about but you had a cool looking paper plane.
Thursday, 1 January 2015
Happy New Year Auron
It's the 1st of January 2014! I am excited for all this year has to offer you and can't wait to see what fun adventure we will have and all the fun things you will learn along the way.
Right now you are a fun, intelligent, and imaginative 3 year old. You love all things super hero and Ninja Turtles. Your favourite Turtle is Donatello and your favourite super hero is Spiderman. Every day you want to put on your 'Spidey Suit' which is actually your PJ's. Sometimes we let you wear them to the shops...You also like to be called Peter Parker when you aren't wearing your suit.
You are a wonderful big brother. Your siblings are so blessed to have you, and so are we. Lili is often sneaking your treats, or yummy things off your plate and you don't get too upset. She is very very sneaky! I am sure you and Ammon will become great friends too. You already show so much love and affection for him. Since he is so little still and sleeps all the time you are always excited when he opens his eyes and come racing over to play with him and make funny faces.
This year you will leave nursery and go into primary with all the big kids at church. This is a big step! I'm not sure I am ready for it, but I know you are and will have so much fun and learn lots. I hope and pray that you will develop your testimony of the gospel while you are young. We will do our best to help you and teach you as best we can.
Happy New Year Auron
Mummy and Daddy
Right now you are a fun, intelligent, and imaginative 3 year old. You love all things super hero and Ninja Turtles. Your favourite Turtle is Donatello and your favourite super hero is Spiderman. Every day you want to put on your 'Spidey Suit' which is actually your PJ's. Sometimes we let you wear them to the shops...You also like to be called Peter Parker when you aren't wearing your suit.
You are a wonderful big brother. Your siblings are so blessed to have you, and so are we. Lili is often sneaking your treats, or yummy things off your plate and you don't get too upset. She is very very sneaky! I am sure you and Ammon will become great friends too. You already show so much love and affection for him. Since he is so little still and sleeps all the time you are always excited when he opens his eyes and come racing over to play with him and make funny faces.
This year you will leave nursery and go into primary with all the big kids at church. This is a big step! I'm not sure I am ready for it, but I know you are and will have so much fun and learn lots. I hope and pray that you will develop your testimony of the gospel while you are young. We will do our best to help you and teach you as best we can.
Happy New Year Auron
Mummy and Daddy
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